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around tables

Forging Gold

#Ggold is a new format of networking event gathering professionals to discuss #business #technology #concept #progressive #collaboration

Upcoming event: September 2023


Attendance is on invitation

The highest-performing professionals in Vienna are dispersed...

We bring them together to form synergies!


#Ggold is a business networking event enabling top-of-their-field professionals to discuss their business problems and trending topics.

We gather professionals that would, together, form optimal synergies.

Forging Gold

#Ggold gathers outstanding business professionals and technologists from diverse sectors, seniority, and working styles to allow new views to emerge and blend - forging gold!

Around tables

A lot of knowledge and creativity sparked around tables–in dining rooms, cafes, meeting rooms. From iconic places with tables, we get our inspiration–warm, wood, leather, velvet, weed no, whiskey maybe.

We curate our spaces to enable our attendees to unleash their genius.

"Pilot" Round-table organized by FOR's initiative "Missing" at Copenhagen TechFestival 


Linda Liukas: Author of children's books and education - material about Tech and  Digital Media

Manuella Cunha Brita: Co-Founder of Good Tech Labs; Co-Author of the Frontiers of Impact Tech

Chris Messina: Inventor of the Hash-Tag; Co-Founder of Citizen Agency

Peter Sunde: Co-Founder of the Pirate Bay; Founder of Flattr

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